Silver/White - Club Des da 24 - Renault Roland Garros "The most wonderful time of the year" Dir. Nico Perez Veiga
Gold - CICLOPE Latino - Renault Roland Garros "The most wonderful time of the year" Dir. Nico Perez Veiga
Bronze - Clio Awards - Renault Roland Garros "The most wonderful time of the year" Dir. Nico Perez Veiga
Finalist Ciclope - Renault Roland Garros "The most wonderful time of the year" Dir. Nico Perez Veiga
Nominations 2024
Cyclope Europe - Renault Roland Garros "The most wonderful time of the year" Dir. Nico Perez Veiga
Bronze - Circulo de Creatividad Argentina - Renault "The most wonderful time of the year" Dir. Nico Perez Veiga
Gold - Eurobest - Electrolux "Break the Pattern"
Gold - Shots - Electrolux "Break the Pattern"
Winner Silver LIA Awards - HBO
Winner - Getty Image Motion Picture Price "Vintersaga"
Silver - Eurobest - Volvo "Vintersaga" Dir. Gustav Johansson
Winner - ROY - Volvo "Vintersaga" Dir. Gustav Johansson
Silver - London International Awards - Volvo "Vintersaga" Dir. Gustav Johansson
Gold - ADC Award - Volvo "Vintersaga" Dir. Gustav Johansson
Silver - Cannes Lion Craft. Only-”The Liberation” Dir. Christoffer von Reis